I have an effect which catches the HttpErrorResponse, but since there's also a global error handler, I dont want to catch the error, I want to tap it.
The .catchError should both return the Error for the Interceptor, as well as dispatch the addItemFailure action
addItem$ = createEffect((): Observable<Action> => {
return this.action$.pipe(
exhaustMap((action) => {
return this.apiClient.addItem(action.itemModel).pipe(
map((response) => ItemActions.addItemSuccess({ response })),
catchError((exception: HttpErrorResponse) => {
return throwError(() => exception);
return of(ItemActions.addItemFailure({ exception }));
Above of course does not work because of the double return, but it shows what I'm trying to achieve. Using one of them works, but I need them both to work.
I've tried:
catchError((exception: HttpErrorResponse) => {
this.store.dispatch(ItemActions.addItemFailure({ exception }));
return throwError(() => exception);
catchError((exception: HttpErrorResponse) => {
return throwError(() => {
this.store.dispatch(ItemActions.addItemFailure({ exception }));
return exception;
But that doesn't work somehow.
Got it working with a little help from @ali-ataf:
catchError((exception: HttpErrorResponse) => {
tap(() => this.store.dispatch(ItemActions.addItemFailure({ exception }))),
switchMap(() => throwError(() => exception)),
Full Effect now looks like:
addItem$ = createEffect((): Observable<Action> => {
return this.action$.pipe(
exhaustMap((action) => {
return this.apiClient.addItem(action.itemModel).pipe(
map((response) => ItemActions.addItemSuccess({ response })),
catchError((exception: HttpErrorResponse) => {
tap(() => this.store.dispatch(ItemActions.addItemFailure({ exception }))),
switchMap(() => throwError(() => exception)),