I am trying to do a weighted least squares fit of my data. The values when x=0 and when x>0.2 should be weighted heavily. The values when 0<x<=0.2 should be weighted to a lesser extent but I still want them to have some weighting.
My data is:
filtered_x = array([0. , 0.03807991, 0.05077321, 0.06346652, 0.07615982,
0.08885313, 0.10154643, 0.11423973, 0.12693304, 0.13962634,
0.15231964, 0.16501295, 0.17770625, 0.19039955, 0.20309286,
0.21578616, 0.22847947, 0.24117277, 0.25386607, 0.26655938,
0.27925268, 0.29194598, 0.30463929, 0.31733259, 0.33002589,
0.3427192 ])
filtered_y = array([0. , 1.53989397, 2.04460628, 4.18043213, 2.97621482,
2.82642339, 2.98335023, 2.98964836, 2.12218901, 1.42801972,
1.25930683, 0.71644077, 0.48220866, 0.21165985, 0.24756609,
0.21123179, 0.57344999, 0.49362762, 0.20282767, 0.50321186,
0.50347165, 0.74259408, 0.48493783, 0.81785588, 0.54543666,
I have the following code already:
# fitted function
def fpow(x, a, b, c):
return a*x**b+c
# custom weight function
def custom_weights(x):
weights = np.ones_like(x) # Default weight for all points
weights[x == 0] = 0.1 # Low Error for x = 0
weights[x > 0.2] = 0.1 # Low Error for x > 0.15
weights[(0 < x) & (x <= 0.2)] = 0.5 # Medium error for 0 < x <= 0.2
return weights
# Weight 0 and higher wavenumbers heavier
# initial guess
pars0 = (0.4, 0.4, 1)
# perform fitting with custom weights
popt, pcov = curve_fit(fpow, filtered_x, filtered_y, absolute_sigma=True, p0=pars0, sigma=custom_weights(filtered_x), maxfev =5000)
# parameters
a_opt = popt[0]
b_opt = popt[1]
c_opt = popt[2]
# plot data
plt.errorbar(filtered_x, filtered_y, yerr=0, fmt =".", color='black', label ='data', zorder=1, markersize=5)
# creating x interval to include in y fit
x_interval = np.linspace(0, max(filtered_x), 1000)
y_fit = fpow( x_interval , *popt)
plt.plot( x_interval, y_fit, color = "red", label = "Weighted fit", zorder=2 , linewidth=3)
plt.ylabel("U [m/s]")
plt.xlabel("Wavenumber [rad/m]")
plt.title("LS Weighted Fit of Current")
It also gives me a runtime error
<ipython-input-747-a3ac7b8135e0>:2: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in power
return a*x**b+c
You can see that something has gone wrong, the fit is not good for the larger x values. I have tried to remove the (0,0) point in the data however, I get an even worse result which is below:
I'm looking for something that looks somewhat more like the following:
There is a question about this kind of RuntimeError
on here, and the answer suggests using a very small value instead of zero for your data.
filtered_x = array([1e-8, 0.03807991, 0.05077321, 0.06346652, 0.07615982,
0.08885313, 0.10154643, 0.11423973, 0.12693304, 0.13962634,
0.15231964, 0.16501295, 0.17770625, 0.19039955, 0.20309286,
0.21578616, 0.22847947, 0.24117277, 0.25386607, 0.26655938,
0.27925268, 0.29194598, 0.30463929, 0.31733259, 0.33002589,
filtered_y = array([1e-8, 1.53989397, 2.04460628, 4.18043213, 2.97621482,
2.82642339, 2.98335023, 2.98964836, 2.12218901, 1.42801972,
1.25930683, 0.71644077, 0.48220866, 0.21165985, 0.24756609,
0.21123179, 0.57344999, 0.49362762, 0.20282767, 0.50321186,
0.50347165, 0.74259408, 0.48493783, 0.81785588, 0.54543666,
Notice the 1e-8
in the first position. This gets rid of the warning.
It also leads to a somewhat improved fit.
Check out the other question though, because it suggests more methods to improve the fit.
I forgot to mention, that I changed your custom weight function, so it uses np.isclose
. Checking for equality with floating point numbers is error-prone and usually not what you want. np.isclose
checks, whether numbers are in a given epsilon environment of the value to compare against. There's a similar function math.isclose
in the stdlib.
# custom weight function
def custom_weights(x):
weights = np.ones_like(x) # Default weight for all points
weights[np.isclose(x, 0, atol=1e-7)] = 0.1 # Low Error for x = 0
weights[x > 0.2] = 0.1 # Low Error for x > 0.15
weights[(0 < x) & (x <= 0.2)] = 0.5 # Medium error for 0 < x <= 0.2
return weights
I've played around with the weights a bit, to get something like the plot you shared. But I'm no domain expert, so this might be garbage. You will need to validate this on your own.
# custom weight function
def custom_weights(x):
weights = np.ones_like(x) # default weight for all points
weights[(0 < x) & (x <= 0.2)] = 1 # medium error for 0 < x <= 0.2
weights[x > 0.2] = 0.1 # low error for x > 0.15
weights[np.isclose(x, 0, atol=1e-8)] = 0.01 # very low error for x = 0
return weights
Using these weights, I get the following plot:
Also, there was another bug in the custom_weights
The weights for values close to zero were reset by the (0 < x) & (x <= 0.2)
bit in the end. I've changed the order of operations, so this doesn't happen anymore. A more robust approach would be to use np.isclose
here too, since the order of execution shouldn't be something you have to think about here, but TBH I can't be arsed to do that.