
Decouple mouse & keyboard focus

I use windows 11, say i have two applications opened (for example browser that has video playing in it & notepad++), and each of the applications is displayed in separate monitor (i use dual monitors), so on one monitor I'm watching a video inside browser, and on another monitor I'm writing in notepad++ (taking notes from the video I'm watching) .

is there a way to have mouse focus kept in on the browser (so i could use mouse shortcuts to pause/resume/fast-forward/rewind the video) while maintaining keyboard focus on the notepad++ (so i can continue writing in notepad++ without the need to keep moving the cursor back to notepad++).

I think this can only be achieved by disabling cursor focus, that is keyboard focus following wherever my cursor clicks.

Not applicable, there is no such feature


  • Try this AutoHotkey script:

    ; Activate Notepad++ after using the mouse on Microsoft​ Edge or Chrome:
    #Requires AutoHotkey v1.1
    #If WinActive("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1") AND WinExist("ahk_class Notepad++")
        ~LButton Up::
        ~RButton Up::
            WinActivate, ahk_class Notepad++    
    ; Press F1 to disable or reenable the above hotkeys
    F1:: Suspend
    ; Press Esc to terminate the script
    Esc:: ExitApp