Installing dmg through terminal results in unverified signature macOS

I was trying to automate .dmg installation on MacOS 14.2.1 through a bash script The script does this:

  1. mount the .dmg
  2. copy the .app inside the .dmg into /Applications
  3. unmount the .dmg

After the .app is copied to /Applications, when I try to open it it displays “cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified". However when I install it manually without a script it doesn't show this message. Important note: The application I was testing this on was Discord, so it's definitely signed and verified

This is the script


hdiutil attach ~/Downloads/Discord.dmg -quiet -nobrowse
cp -rf /Volumes/Discord/ /Applications
hdiutil detach /Volumes/Discord

One thing I noticed is that if I move the .app through the script (not manually) and try to verify its signature with codesign --verify /Applications/ It displays:

/Applications/ bundle format is ambiguous (could be app or framework)
In subcomponent: /Applications/ Framework.framework


  • Try

    rm -rf /Applications/
    cp -R /Volumes/Discord/ /Applications

    From man cp:

    Historic versions of the cp utility had a -r option. This implementation supports that option, however, its behavior is different from historical FreeBSD behavior. Use of this option is strongly discouraged as the behavior is implementation-dependent.