
Prisma nested queries

I Have the Following Prisma Model For Product Categories

model ProductCategory {
  categoryId    Int               @id @default(autoincrement())
  categoryName String            @db.VarChar(50) 
  slug         String            @db.VarChar(50) 
  parent        ProductCategory?  @relation("Subcategories", fields: [parentId], references: [categoryId])
  parentId      Int?
  subcategories ProductCategory[] @relation("Subcategories")

and this is How i Select The Categories

  const data = await prisma.productCategory.findMany({
      select: {
        categoryId: true,
        categoryName: true,     
        slug: true,
        subcategories: {
          select: {
            categoryId: true,
            categoryName: true,           
            slug: true,
            subcategories: {
              select: {
                categoryId: true,
                categoryName: true,               
                slug: true,

And this is the Result

        "categoryId": 10,
        "categoryName": "Main Category",        
        "slug": "main-category",
        "subcategories": [
                "categoryId": 11,
                "categoryName": "Sub Category",
                "slug": "sub-category",
                "subcategories": [
                        "categoryId": 12,
                        "categoryName": "Sub Category 1",
                        "slug": "sub-category-1"
                        "categoryId": 13,
                        "categoryName": "Sub Category 2",  
                        "slug": "sub-category-2"
        "categoryId": 11,
        "categoryName": "Sub Category",
        "slug": "sub-category",
        "subcategories": [
                        "categoryId": 12,
                        "categoryName": "Sub Category 1",
                        "slug": "sub-category-1"
                        "categoryId": 13,
                        "categoryName": "Sub Category 2",  
                        "slug": "sub-category-2"
        "categoryId": 12,
        "categoryNameE": "Sub Category 1",
        "categoryNameD": "Sub Category 1",
        "categoryNameP": "Sub Category 1",
        "slugE": "sub-category-1",
        "subcategories": []
        "categoryId": 13,
        "categoryNameE": "Sub Category 2",
        "categoryNameD": "Sub Category 2",
        "categoryNameP": "Sub Category 2",
        "slugE": "sub-category-2",
        "subcategories": []

I Want the Result Like in the First Row and not want to have the other Rows because its again display the Sub Category Inside {Sub Category 1 ,Sub Category 2} and at the end Each Sub Category 1 and Sub Category 2 separately I want Result Like this

        "categoryId": 10,
        "categoryName": "Main Category",        
        "slug": "main-category",
        "subcategories": [
                "categoryId": 11,
                "categoryName": "Sub Category",
                "slug": "sub-category",
                "subcategories": [
                        "categoryId": 12,
                        "categoryName": "Sub Category 1",
                        "slug": "sub-category-1"
                        "categoryId": 13,
                        "categoryName": "Sub Category 2",  
                        "slug": "sub-category-2"


  • Maybe something like this:

      const data = await prisma.productCategory.findMany({
          where: {
            parentId: null // Not 100% sure, but something similar to this if it doesn't work
          select: {

    basically, you want to fetch all categories that do not have a parent ID, or in other words, only the TOP level categories.