
BlazeMeter Chrome Extension - How to identify the Parallel requests

I have recorded a test via Chrome extension. How do I identify the Parallel and Simultaneous requests here?

Is there a way to figure this out? Am unable to find the request start times as well.

Please help. Thanks for your support.

Note: F12 Developer Tools also doesn't display the request start times.



  • Requests which are started at the same time are parallel, like red rectangle in the below image of the browser developer tools

    enter image description here

    others are sequential.

    When it comes to BlazeMeter Chrome Extension the default configuration is:

    enter image description here

    1. Record Top Level Requests which means don't record images, scripts, styles, fonts, etc. and let JMeter's HTTP Request sampler to do this in parallel. Don't forget to add HTTP Cache Manager to represent the browser's cache as real browsers download embedded resources only once.

      More information: JMeter Web Testing: How To Properly Handle Embedded Resources in HTML Responses

    2. AJAX Requests. These are recorded sequentially however you can identify them by using XHR filter in browser developer tools, these requests should go under the Parallel Controller