i am trying add AzureFileshare to recovery service vault backup policy through Az cli command in azure devops pipeline. but i could not succeed. below is the cli command
az backup protection enable-for-azurefileshare --resource-group vaultresourcegroup --
vault-name rsvault --policy-name filesharepolicy --storage-account sasample --azure-file-
share fileshare1
below is the error i am getting
ERROR: Storage not found or not Supported.
am i missing anything here.
ERROR: Storage not found or not supported.
According to this MS-Document, the above error occurs when the storage account may have been deleted or created in a different region (like France or Germany).
When I tried with a different region like (France) for the storage account, I too got the same error:
When I tried with the same region like (East US) for the storage account, it created a backup policy for the file share.
Command and output:
az backup protection enable-for-azurefileshare --policy-name policy1 --resource-group xxx --vault-name azurefilesvault --storage-account "venkat789" --azure-file-share "share3" --output table
Name ResourceGroup
------------------------------------ ---------------------
6b9c06e7-4277-xxxxxx xxxx
Reference: Support Matrix for Azure file share backup by using Azure Backup - Azure Backup | Microsoft Learn