
What is the TREC 2006 Spam Track Public Corpora Format?

link to original dataset
I have downloaded this dataset The TREC 2006 Public Corpus -- 75MB (trec06p.tgz). Here is the folder structure:

└── trec 06p/
    ├── data
    ├── data-delay
    ├── full
    ├── full-delay
    ├── ham25
    ├── ham25-delay
    ├── ham50
    ├── ham50-delay
    ├── spam25
    ├── spam25-delay
    ├── spam50
    └── spam50-delay

Some questions:

  1. What is the delay for? (e.g. data-delay, full-delay)
  2. What does full mean in this case? (is it just the labels?)
  3. What is the difference between HAM and ham in the full-delay subfolder?
  4. Why is the data-delay folder empty?
  5. Is there any special way to parse the contents in the data folder?


  • Disclaimer

    Before reading the answer, please note that since I had not participated in the TREC06 task nor am I the data creator/provider, I can do only some educated guess to the questions you have on the dataset.

    Educated Guessed Answers

    First, reading the task paper helps =)

    Next, the right download link for future readers would be

    And now, some summary:

    Q: How are the above forms of feedback represented by the files in the dataset?

    A: All the actual textual data are actually found in the trec06/data/**/* files


    And for the rest of the directories, they are just a indices pointing to the subsets to emulate the different forms of evaluations.

    Q: What does full mean in this case? (is it just the labels?)

    Q: What is the delay for? (e.g. data-delay, full-delay)

    So essentially, all the unique list of trec06p/ham*-delay/index + trec06p/spam*-delay/index = trec06p/full-delay/index

    Q: Why is the data-delay folder empty?

    For this, I don't have an answer... Got to ask the data provider/creator.

    Q: Is there any special way to parse the contents in the data folder?

    Now that's the fun coding part =)

    Lets step back a little and think what we have essentially:


    import pandas as pd
    from tqdm import tqdm
    from lazyme import find_files
    data_rows = {}
    # Assuming you're on `trec06p` directory.
    # P/S: you can use any other file path list function, 
    # I just use lazyme.find_files because I find it convenient.
    for fn in tqdm(find_files('./data/**/*')):
        if fn.endswith('.DS_Store'):
        # Note that not all files are in utf8/ascii charset 
        # so you'll have to read them in binary to store them.
        # Assuming that there isn't.
        with open(fn, 'rb') as fin:
            data_id = tuple(fn.split('/')[-2:])
            data_rows[data_id] =
    full_labels = {}
    with open('./full/index') as fin:
        for line in tqdm(fin):
            label, fn = line.strip().split()
            data_id = tuple(fn.split('/')[-2:])
            full_labels[data_id] = label
    full_delay_labels = {}
    with open('./full-delay/index') as fin:
        for line in tqdm(fin):
            label, fn = line.strip().split()
            data_id = tuple(fn.split('/')[-2:])
            # You'll realize that the labels repeated per data point.
            # but they are exactly the same.... -_-
            if data_id in full_delay_labels:
                assert label.lower() == full_delay_labels[data_id].lower()
            full_delay_labels[data_id] = label.lower()

    Q: What is the difference between HAM, Ham, SPAM and Spam labels in the trec06p/*-delay/index

    If we look carefully at the if data_id in full_delay_labels: assert label.lower() == full_delay_labels[data_id].lower() line, we see that all the caps and the non-caps labels are the same.

    Q: So why is there a difference?

    A: Not sure, best to ask data provider/creator

    Q: Is there a difference between the labels from trec06p/full-delay/index and trec06p/full/index?

    Don't seem like there's any.

    >>> any(full_labels[data_id] != full_delay_labels[data_id] for data_id in full_labels)

    Q: How do I just read it into a pandas dataframe?

    Given what we know above:

    import pandas as pd
    from tqdm import tqdm
    from lazyme import find_files
    data_rows = {}
    for fn in tqdm(find_files('./data/**/*')):
        if fn.endswith('.DS_Store'):
        with open(fn, 'rb') as fin:
            data_id = tuple(fn.split('/')[-2:])
            data_rows[data_id] =
    full_labels = {}
    with open('./full/index') as fin:
        for line in tqdm(fin):
            label, fn = line.strip().split()
            data_id = tuple(fn.split('/')[-2:])
            full_labels[data_id] = label
    df = pd.DataFrame({'binary':pd.Series(data_rows),'label':full_labels})

    Q: But the input columns are still binaries, can I somehow guess the encoding?

    Not really, it's pretty hard / messy to guess the encoding of a binary file but you can try this (though not all file specify charset=... in the content)

    import re, mmap
    def find_charset(fn):
        with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
            view = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
            return re.split(";|,|\n",
                                re.finditer(br'charset\=([!-~\s]{%i,})\n' % 5, view)).group(1).decode('utf8')