When I am trying to use Redisson library it always store data in hash form. Is there anyway I can avoid it if I like
Config config = new Config();
RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);
System.out.println("Config created"+redisson);
RBucket<String> r=redisson.getBucket("test");
r.set("value", 1000000, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Here is how I see the data in Redis> Get test
How can I view the data properly from the redis cli? Or how can I avoid storing the value in hash form completely
By Default Redisson will use Kryo5Codec as codec for all the objects.
If you want to use some other codec, specify the codec while getting redisson objects like below.
getRedissonClient().getBucket("test", StringCodec.INSTANCE);
For other codecs, check out this link