
How to propagate a value from a Module upwards

I have two modules, one has a latency of x clock cycles, the other one has a latency of y clock cycles. I'd like to tie the latency to each of these modules, so that when I instantiate the module in e.g. a test bench or another module, I can extract the right latency without manually changing x with y each time. This would be the 'inverse' of passing a parameter from the higher module down.

What would be the most Chisel-appropriate way to do this?

I read the latest Chisel book but could not find a solution.


  • You can simply read a value declared under the module and use it in your code generation.

    Here an example on scatie.

    import chisel3._
    import chisel3.util._
    class MyFirstModule extends Module{
        val my_input = IO(Input(UInt(8.W)))
        val my_output = IO(Output(UInt(8.W)))
        val latency = 0
        my_output := my_input
    class MySecondModule extends Module{
        val my_input = IO(Input(UInt(8.W)))
        val my_output = IO(Output(UInt(8.W)))
        val latency = 1
        my_output := RegNext(my_input)
    class ConnectModules extends Module{
        val my_input = IO(Input(UInt(8.W)))
        val my_output = IO(Output(UInt(8.W)))
      val my_first_module = Module(new MyFirstModule())
      println(s"Latency of my_first_module is ${my_first_module.latency}")
      my_first_module.my_input := my_input
      val my_second_module = Module(new MySecondModule())
      println(s"Latency of my_second_module is ${my_second_module.latency}")
      my_second_module.my_input := my_first_module.my_output
      my_output := my_second_module.my_output
    println(getVerilogString(new ConnectModules))

    latency is a value declared in Modules that is read by println function in the upwards Module.