I am looking for a way to fetch all available uniforms in a WGPU shader, essentially, I am looking for the wgpu equivalent of this OpenGL code:
gl.GetProgramiv(id, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &active_uniforms);
for (int i = 0; i < active_uniforms; i++){
GLsizei length;
GLsizei size;
GLenum type;
GLchar name[max_name_length + 1] = { 0 };
gl.GetActiveUniform(id, i, max_name_length, &length, &size, &type, name);
name[length] = '\0';
// iterate over all unifroms
uint32 buffer_size = ...
// create uniform buffer big enough to hold all of them
Context: I am writing a toy 2D renderer. I have a 'Material' class that is supposed to hold shader + uniform data.
It will upload the data to the GPU just before a render pass. I need to create a buffer for this uniform data, and I need to know how big this buffer should be. The size of the buffer, depends on the number of uniforms defined in the shader code.
maybe irrelevant: I am writing this in Typescript for the web, not Rust/C++
WebGPU does not provide any "uniform" data nor any other reflection data. It's up to you to compute the offsets yourself, use a tool, or to use a library.