
How to invoke browser to open "about:blank"

Using C code, how to invoke the default browser to open "about:blank" (a blank page)?

I've tried many methods, here are some that don't work:

  1. Call <Windows.h>'s ShellExecuteW or ShellExecute passing "open" as its 2nd argument
  2. As method 1, but use http:about:blank instead


  1. As "about:blank" contains no "http:" or "https:", so Windows doesn't know to invoke the browser.
  2. The browser will open, but results in a default page instead of a blank page

What's more, using something like http:about:blank or http://about:blank may be not correct.

Maybe the only valid url pointing to a blank is about:blank


  • I've found that AssocQueryString helps (requiring to link against shlwapi.dll),

    This is AssocQueryStringW's reference

    Here is one possible version of C++ code:

    #pragma comment(lib, "Shlwapi.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib, "Shell32.lib")
    #define assoc(buffer, sizep) ::AssocQueryStringW(F_ASSOC, ASSOCSTR_EXECUTABLE,\
       L"http", L"open", (buffer), (sizep))
    DWORD getDefaultBrowser(LPWSTR &pszPath){
        DWORD size = 0;
        assoc(NULL, &size); // get required buffer size, returns S_FALSE
        pszPath = new WCHAR[size];
        HRESULT hr = assoc(pszPath,&size); // assert(hr==S_OK);
        return size;
        // remember `delete[]pszPath;`
    int main(){
        LPWSTR browserPath;
        DWORD len = getDefaultBrowser(browserPath);
        if (len == 0)return -1;
        ShellExecuteW(NULL, L"open", browserPath, L"about:blank", NULL, SW_SHOW);
        delete[] browserPath;

    Also, corresponding C code:

    #pragma comment(lib, "Shlwapi.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib, "Shell32.lib")
    #define assoc(buffer, sizep) AssocQueryStringW(F_ASSOC, ASSOCSTR_EXECUTABLE, \
        L"http", L"open", (buffer), (sizep));
    DWORD getDefaultBrowser(LPWSTR* pOut){
        DWORD size = 0;
        assoc(NULL, &size); // get required buffer size, returns S_FALSE
        *pOut = (LPWSTR)malloc(size * sizeof(WCHAR));
        HRESULT hr = assoc(*pOut,&size); // assert(hr==S_OK);
        return size;
        // remember `free(pOut);`
    int main(){
        //Get default web browser path
        LPWSTR browserPath;
        DWORD len = getDefaultBrowser(&browserPath); 
        if(len == 0) return -1;
        ShellExecuteW(NULL, L"open", browserPath, L"about:blank", NULL, SW_SHOW);