
In odoo How to catch product list on change event in POS screen

I am working on a module making something when any change happens in the product grid in the POS screen  this is my code 

/** @odoo-module **/
const ProductScreen = require('point_of_sale.ProductScreen');
const Registries = require('point_of_sale.Registries');
const { Gui } = require('point_of_sale.Gui');

export const ChangePOSGrid = (ProductScreen) =>
  class extends ProductScreen {
        async _onClickPay() {
           console.log('Code here');
Registries.Component.extend(ProductScreen, ChangePOSGrid);

In this code, I already catch the Pay Button click event but I need to catch the product list change event

how to do this can anyone help me?


  • I found the solution and I'll share it here

    this the solution

    export const ChangePOSGrid = (ProductScreen) =>
      class extends ProductScreen {
           async _updateSelectedOrderline() {
              //code here 
            async _onClickPay() {
               console.log('Code here');