Starting from the example here:
I am trying to extend it to add the following:
However, I am having difficulty even achieving (1). Here is my code:
_MACOS_GC_LINKOPTS = ["-s", "-w", "-buildmode=pie","-trimpath"]
_LINUX_GC_LINKOPTS = ["-s", "-w", "-buildmode=pie","-trimpath"]
def go_binary(**kwargs):
kwargs["gc_linkopts"] = select({
"@platforms//os:macos": _MACOS_GC_LINKOPTS,
"@platforms//os:linux": _LINUX_GC_LINKOPTS,
"//conditions:default": [],
}) + kwargs.pop("gc_linkopts", [])
The error I get is:
flag provided but not defined: -trimpath
The options in the gc_linkopts
are passed to the Go linker. -trimpath
is an option of the toplevel go
driver, which rules_go
bypasses, and the underlying compiler not the linker.