I created a GIF animation with gifski
package in R
Here is the input and output data (sorry I do not know if it can be shared via online storage service).
This is an original map used in the animation.
In the animation (test.gif), you can see a circle of which center is set at a fixed red point at the bottom, and its size (radius) following the distance between moving blue point.
Information of this circle is sorted in circle_df.rds
which contains only 13 seconds (rows) whereas blue point information stored in gps.rds
contains around 700 seconds. My desired outcome is that these circles in circle_df
are shown only when the time frame comes to the time stored in circle_df
, however, current animation continuously shows the circles from the beginning to the end of data frame where the circle size is interpolated. For instance, the first and second circles in circle_df
are timed at 11:30:41 and 11:31:14, thus circles should not be displayed between the time, but it appears in current animation.
Here is a reproducible example:
## Google maps API
register_google(key="YOURKEY", write=TRUE)
## Extract satellite image from google maps
map <- ggmap(get_googlemap(center=cor, zoom=18, maptype="satellite"))
## Plot map
p <- map +
geom_point(data=gps, aes(x=lon, y=lat),
color="blue", size=2, shape=10) +
geom_point(data=sensor, aes(x=lon, y=lat),
color="red", fill="white", size=3.4, shape=21) +
# Add labels at the center of each point
geom_text(data=sensor, aes(x=lon, y=lat, label=ID),
color="red", fontface="bold", size=2.4, vjust=0.24) +
## Circle from sensor
geom_circle(data=circle_df, aes(x0=lon, y0=lat,
color=signal, r=as.numeric(distance_deg)),
fill=NA, alpha=0.6, linewidth=0.8) +
scale_color_gradient(low="dodgerblue", high="red",
name=expression("Signal Intensity\n(-100 to 0)"),
# breaks=seq(-100, 0, by=10), limits=c(-100,0),
guide = guide_colorbar(title.theme=element_text(color="white", size=10),
label.theme = element_text(color = "white", size=10),
barwidth=1, barheight = 5, nbin = 10)) +
## Theme
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
rect = element_blank(),
plot.margin = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "cm")) +
## Animation
## Variable to animate
transition_time(time) +
## Title
ggtitle('Time:, {frame_time}',
subtitle = 'Frame {frame} of {nframes}') # +
## Add slider
# slider::slidify(gps$time, time_range=range(gps$time))
## Animate
## Number of frames
frame <- as.integer((max(gps$time) - min(gps$time)) * 60)
## Plot
anime <- animate(p, nframes=frame, fps=round(frame/20))
# Change x in frame/x based on duration of animation (x)
## Save
anim_save("test.gif", anime) ; anime
Easiest way to achieve this is to create a new df of circle_df and repeat each record for n frames where n represents 1 second of of playing time. I'm pretty sure I calculated this correctly, using your fps =
calculation as a basis so please double check and comment below if it is incorrect.
I don't have an API key, but everything else is the same.
gps <- readRDS("C:/test/gps.rds")
circle_df <- readRDS("C:/test/circle_df.rds")
sensor<- readRDS("C:/test/sensor.rds")
## Number of frames (moved from end of code and renamed as frame() is a function)
framenum <- as.integer((max(gps$time) - min(gps$time)) * 60)
# create copy of df that repeats each circle for n frames
df <- circle_df %>%
mutate(endtime = time + framenum / 20) %>% # Please check this is correct
pivot_longer(cols = c(time, endtime),
names_to = "temp",
values_to = "time") %>%
select(-temp) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
complete(time = seq(min(time),
by = "sec")) %>%
fill(lon:distance_deg, .direction = "down") %>%
p <- ggplot() +
geom_point(data=gps, aes(x=lon, y=lat),
color="blue", size=2, shape=10) +
geom_point(data=sensor, aes(x=lon, y=lat),
color="red", fill="white", size=3.4, shape=21) +
# Add labels at the center of each point
geom_text(data=sensor, aes(x=lon, y=lat, label=ID),
color="red", fontface="bold", size=2.4, vjust=0.24) +
## Circle from sensor
geom_circle(data=df, aes(x0=lon, y0=lat,
fill=NA, alpha=0.6, linewidth=0.8) +
scale_color_gradient(low="dodgerblue", high="red",
name=expression("Signal Intensity\n(-100 to 0)"),
# breaks=seq(-100, 0, by=10), limits=c(-100,0),
guide = guide_colorbar(title.theme=element_text(color="white", size=10),
label.theme = element_text(color = "white", size=10),
barwidth=1, barheight = 5, nbin = 10)) +
## Theme
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
rect = element_blank(),
plot.margin = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "cm")) +
## Animation
## Variable to animate
transition_time(time) +
## Title
ggtitle('Time:, {frame_time}',
subtitle = 'Frame {frame} of {nframes}') # +
## Add slider
# slider::slidify(gps$time, time_range=range(gps$time))
## Animate
# ## Number of frames
# frame <- as.integer((max(gps$time) - min(gps$time)) * 60)
## Plot
anime <- animate(p, nframes=framenum, fps=round(framenum/20))
# Change x in frame/x based on duration of animation (x)
## Save
anim_save("c:/test/test.gif", anime) ; anime