
Quarkus - SmallRye Reactive Messaging - RabbitMQ: Send message to default exchange

Using the remote procedure call pattern, I need to send an answer to a reply-queue, i.e. I need to send the message to the default exchange with the name of the queue as the routing key.

I am using the SmallRye Reactive Messing RabbitMQ plugin on Quarkus. All channels are defined statically in the configuration files (which is ok), however, due to the way the configuration mechanism works (microprofile config), I cannot use the empty string as a configuration value, which is the name of the default exchange.

It does not help to omit the name of the exchange, as by default the channel name is used.

Is there a way to send a message to the default exchange using the SmallRye RabbitMQ plugin?

Edit: I have no control over the RabbitMQ server.


  • As stated here:


    "To send a message to a specific queue (usually a reply queue), you have to configure the default exchange as an outgoing channel and set the name of the queue as routing key in the message metadata. The name of the exchange needs to be set to "".

    mp.messaging.outgoing.channel-name-for-default-exchange.connector=smallrye-rabbitmq mp.messaging.outgoing.channel-name-for-default-exchange.exchange.name=""