
How to make a Raku test optional if a module is not installed

I am adding a feature to a package that optionally uses DBIish. I would like to write a few unit tests to ensure that the functionality is working. However, DBIish should be an optional dependency, meaning you don't need it to install or use the package. How can I skip DBIish tests if the user does not have DBIish installed?

Something like:

    require ::('DBIish');
    CATCH {
        default {

... would be ideal, but an optional test flag would also work, but I can't seem to find any documentation on the topic.


  • If it's about importing a class that should be installed (or not), I always use the following "trick":

    my \Foo = try "use Foo; Foo".EVAL;

    If it worked, then Foo will be the class. If it didn't, then Foo will be Nil.