I am creating a Flutter application that consists of displaying a simple webview using the InAppWebView 6.0.0 dependency with the latest stable version of Flutter. It's happening to me that when I go to enter data of type "date" on the website, a date selection interface that is quite ugly and obsolete opens up.
I have also tested it using the normal webview and there yes is visible the modern date selection interface. I have made sure that the style is configured correctly and nothing is either. I have also been able to see that on iPhone with the same configuration it looks good.
I would like to know if anyone else has had this problem and found the solution without having to touch the side of the web page :)
I have made sure that the style is correctly configured and the dependencies are in the latest version.
The flutter_inappwebview
package uses PlatformViews, which requires you to add Android's Material dependency if you want to enable Material Design.
In android/app/build.gradle
, add this implementation to the dependencies block:
dependencies {
// ...
implementation 'com.google.android.material:material:<version>'
// ...
Replace <version>
with the latest version of the plugin, which you can find here.
See also: