
Is it intended that a BAC0 COV pings every 5 seconds even when there's no change?

I'm using BAC0.lite(port=XXXXX, deviceId=YYY) to create a mock BACnet device on my network, including a few objects. As far as I can tell the specifics of the device don't relate to the observed behavior. I make a COV subscription using bacnet.cov(address=XXX, objectID=(YYY, ZZZ), callback=my_function) for one of the objects from the corresponding device.

It seems like when I change the object remotely, the COV does update immediately, but I also see updates every 5 seconds even when the state doesn't change. The updates are slightly longer than 5 seconds, which leads me to believe there's a time.sleep(5) somewhere leading to these notifications. I'm wondering if this is behavior I should expect when connecting BAC0 to a real BACnet device, or whether it's a factor of the device being a BAC0.lite() mock. If the former, is that intrinsict to BAC0 or would a integrating directly with BACpypes prevent the addtional calls? Also, is there any way to disable this if it is intended?


  • You need set BAC0.lite(ping=False ...)