I'm trying to figure out how change the default cursor on over the chart ('zoom-in'), change when onmousedown ('col-resize'), and reset it on onmouseup ('zoom-in'). All of that, without breaking the behaviour of zoom.
I declare the zoom in the chart option to enabled it :
chart: {
zoomType : 'x',
Zoom works. But if I try to change the cursor with this code, it seems override the zoom behaviour and it not working anymore :
chart: {
zoomType : 'x',
events: {
load: function () {
const chart = this;
chart.container.onmousedown = function () {
chart.container.style.cursor = 'col-resize';
chart.container.onmouseup = function () {
chart.container.style.cursor = 'zoom-in';
CSS part for the default cursor :
.zoomableChart:hover {
cursor: zoom-in;
@naren-murali Thanks, based on your answer, I produced this code :
<highcharts-chart [.......]
(mouseup)="onMouseUpChart($event)" (mousedown)="onMouseDownChart($event)" (mouseenter)="onMouseEnterChart($event)">
onMouseUpChart(event): void {
event.srcElement.ownerSVGElement.style.cursor = 'zoom-in';
onMouseDownChart(event): void {
event.srcElement.ownerSVGElement.style.cursor = 'col-resize';
onMouseEnterChart(event): void {
event.srcElement.querySelector('svg').style.cursor = 'zoom-in';
It partially works. I see 1 problem left :