I'm trying to do server-side authorization of a user using the authorization key that the PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.RequestServerSideAccess method should return, but I'm getting the error com.google.android.gms.common.api.ApiException: 10:
How I set up the project configuration:
1. I installed the plugin https://github.com/playgameservices/play-games-plugin-for-unity
2. I created a keystore in unity
3. I created a game in play.google.com/console
4. I created an OAuth 2.0 authorization with the Android type
4.1. I pasted "Package name" from my application settings in unity (Project Settings/Player/Identification/Package Name)
4.2. I generated the SHA-1 certificate like this:
4.2.1. I went to the console in the directory "C:\Program Files\Java\jre-1.8\bin" and used the command "keytool -keystore path-to-debug-or-production-keystore -list -v" specifying the address of my keystore
4.2.2. Copied SHA-1 and pasted it where needed
5. In "Window/Google Play Games/Setup/Android setup" I set the Web App Client Id received after creating OAuth 2.0 authorization
6. In "Window/Google Play Games/Setup/Android setup" I pasted resources by copying them from the configuration page "Credentials" -> "Get resources"
7. In "Window/Google Play Games/Setup/Nearby Connections setup" I inserted the same package name as in 4.1
8. I made a build for Android by entering the password from my keystore
9. I launched a build on my Android, where authorization was successful, but the RequestServerSideAccess method returns null
I've already tried everything:
I deleted and created keystore with a new SHA-1 fingerprint
I used the fingerprint in "C:\Users\USERNAME.android\debug.keystore"
I deleted the game and recreated it
it was necessary to create OAuth 2.0 with type Web Application and paste client id to "Window/Google Play Games/Setup/Android setup"