
@semantic-release/git and protected branches

When using the semantic-release plugin @semantic-release/git on protected branch (master is protected with maintainers allowed to merge and no one allowed to push and merge)

I have

remote: GitLab: You are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project

I also tried with allowed to force push enabled but it changes nothing.

What's the solution ?


If I unprotect the branch it is working.

The access token has all rights (I checked all boxes).

But I'm not sure that I can push something to a branch that has no one allowed to push and merge, even with any token.

I tried setting GITLAB_TOKEN with CI_JOB_TOKEN value. But it is not working. It tells me the token is invalid.


  • When noone is allowed to push and merge, it means that only merge commits are allowed, and normal (direct) commits cannot be pushed.

    Unfortunately, this is what the @sematic-release/git requires -- it is going to create a direct commit with an updated package.json and maybe other changes (changelog etc), and this direct commit will also be tagged with the version number the @sematic-release plugin generated.

    Personally, I don't like this approach, and prefer to avoid extra commits that have no bearing on the code itself.

    We didn't find a way to solve this without unprotecting the branches or at least allowing pushes. Eventually we migrated to custom versioning workflow which didn't need extra commits and used tags instead.