
How to unnest a "list" in a martix?

I have a large matrix where the rownames are sample ID and the only column contains a list of information, ex: c("xyz","abc","def" [...])

and I'd like to expand this information for each sample ID so that the new matrix would read:

rownames column1
SampleID xyz
SampleID abc
SampleID def

Would a function like tidyr's unnest() be appropriate?


  • You can try

      rownames = rep(row.names(mat), lengths(mat)),
      column1 = unlist(mat)

    which gives

       rownames    column1
    1         A 0.89669720
    2         A 0.26550866
    3         A 0.37212390
    4         A 0.57285336
    5         B 0.90820779
    6         B 0.20168193
    7         B 0.89838968
    8         B 0.94467527
    9         C 0.66079779
    10        C 0.62911404
    11        C 0.06178627
    12        C 0.20597457

    Or, you can use unnest like below

    as.data.frame(mat) %>%
      rownames_to_column() %>%

    which gives

       rowname V1[,1]
       <chr>    <dbl>
     1 A       0.897
     2 A       0.266 
     3 A       0.372
     4 A       0.573
     5 B       0.908
     6 B       0.202
     7 B       0.898
     8 B       0.945
     9 C       0.661
    10 C       0.629
    11 C       0.0618
    12 C       0.206


    mat <- `rownames<-`(as.matrix(replicate(3, matrix(runif(4), 4), FALSE)), LETTERS[1:3])
    > str(mat)
    List of 3
     $ : num [1:4, 1] 0.897 0.266 0.372 0.573
     $ : num [1:4, 1] 0.908 0.202 0.898 0.945
     $ : num [1:4, 1] 0.6608 0.6291 0.0618 0.206
     - attr(*, "dim")= int [1:2] 3 1
     - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
      ..$ : chr [1:3] "A" "B" "C"
      ..$ : NULL