
How to reduce vulnerability to cyber attacks from injection?

I have very little knowledge about SQL injection, and there are probably other threats I am unaware of out there for stealing company data, how would I make this python code better in regards to security?

merge_query = """
MERGE INTO sql_table_name AS Target
    VALUES {}
) AS Source (transaction_year, month_num, month_name, price_nt)
ON Target.transaction_year = Source.transaction_year 
AND Target.month_num = Source.month_num
WHEN MATCHED AND (Target.month_name != Source.month_name OR Target.price_nt != Source.price_nt) THEN
    UPDATE SET Target.month_name = Source.month_name, Target.price_nt = Source.price_nt
    INSERT (transaction_year, month_num, month_name, price_nt) VALUES (Source.transaction_year, Source.month_num, Source.month_name, Source.price_nt);
""".format(','.join(['(?,?,?,?)' for _ in range(len(data))]))

params = [item for sublist in data for item in sublist]

    obj_crsr.execute(merge_query, params)

except Exception as e:
    print("Transaction rolled back")


This python code is given data in the following format:

[(2023, M12,    December,   541.44),
(2023,  M11,    November,   486.64),
(2023,  M10,    October,    468.23),
(2023,  M09,    September,  478.80),
(2023,  M08,    August,     475.41)]

And then is converted to a list in the params variable. That data looks like this:

['2023', 'M12', 'December', '541.442', '2023', 'M11', 'November', '486.639', '2023', 'M10', 'October', '468.226', '2023', 'M09', 'September', '478.802', '2023', 'M08', 'August', '475.411']

This is the only method I have found to work when trying to merge data into an existing table using PYODBC. I have heard of parameterizing the query or naming sql variables, but I don't know how to adapt existing examples/solution on stack overflow to my specific use case. Any suggestions are appreciated.


  • There is nothing wrong with your existing code as far as injection is concerned.

    Injection only happens when user data is injected directly into the query. Here, that is not happening. What is happening is that a dynamic list of ? parameter markers are being injected, in a well-defined way (once per row), and the actual values are passed as a dynamic list of parameters. There is absolutely no scope for injection here.

    Be aware of a few points though: