
Can't calculate the difference between two dates using datetime

I was trying to caltculate the date using datetime module, but when I entered 1 in define dates it showed me:

41 days, 0:00:00
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 22, in <module>
  File "", line 18, in dates
    SD = date(YY2, MM2, DD2)
ValueError: day is out of range for month

Strangely, when i entered 0 in define it gave me a nice result, unlike 1. Dates were taken from the txt file.

from datetime import *

f = open('a0.txt')
n = f.readlines()

def dates(j):
    l = n[j]
    nl = list(l)
    nl.remove('\t') #these were used because origianal txt file inlcuded tabulation
    DD1 = int(nl[0] + nl[1])
    MM1 = int(nl[3] + nl[4])
    YY1 = int(nl[6] + nl[7] + nl[8] + nl[9])
    DD2 = int(nl[10] + nl[10])
    MM2 = int(nl[13] + nl[14])
    YY2 = int(nl[16] + nl[17] + nl[18] + nl[19]) #day, month, year for each date
    FD = date(YY1, MM1, DD1)
    SD = date(YY2, MM2, DD2)
    delta = abs(SD - FD) #difference
    return delta
for i in range(len(n)): #difference for each line of dates

That one txt file


  • On that loop iteration, the code is trying to use 0 for the day:


    This is because you have an incorrect calculation for the day:

    DD2 = int(nl[10] + nl[10])

    You're adding nl[10] twice, but you meant to use nl[10] + nl[11].