
esp-zigbee-lib source files access

I'm struggling a bit to understand how Zigbee protocol works with the esp-zigbee-sdk's examples. I would like to access the C code of the libraries but it's static libraries and the the .h files are not giving my enough clue of what's going on. Is there a repo with the source files of the esp-zigbee-lib or is it a private thing ?

I went through the libraries files and also search in the espressif's repositories on github. I was expecting to find C files of the libraries to better understand how Zigbee works on my Espressif chip.


  • Per the esp-zigbee-sdk README:

    The ZBOSS and Espressif Zigbee SDK is provided as pre-built library:

    • esp-zboss-lib: ZBOSS libraries for ESP32 series SoCs
    • esp-zigbee-lib: Espressif Zigbee SDK and APIs libraries

    On many embedded platforms, you'll find some libraries (e.g., the Standard C Library) are provided a compiled binaries only. This may happen for an internally developed library, or a third-party library that doesn't allow for source distribution.

    The ZBOSS Open Initiative appears to be the latter of those two. A third-party Zigbee library that chip vendors can license in binary form for their development kits.