
TYPO3 Oops, an error occurred! Code: 202402180809040864ba5c

I have an error in TYPO3 when i try to show data on my Page. I Try to connect to my DDEV db.

In my additional.php:

'DB' => [
  'Connections' => [
    'Default' => [
      'dbname' => 'db',
      'driver' => 'mysqli',
      'host' => 'db',
      'password' => 'db',
      'port' => '3306',
      'user' => 'db',

I dont think that this is the error.

I created in the database a table called gamesrate.

Now i try to import it in my TypoScript:

lib.myCustomQuery = CONTENT
lib.myCustomQuery {
  table = gamerate
  select {
    pidInList = this
    orderBy = uid DESC
    # where = uid=1 # Falls du eine WHERE-Bedingung hinzufügen möchtest
    max = 1 # Begrenzt die Anzahl der zurückgegebenen Datensätze
  renderObj = COA
  renderObj {
    10 = TEXT
    10 {
      field = title
      wrap = <h2>|</h2>
    20 = TEXT
    20 {
      field = description
      wrap = <p>|</p>
page.30 < lib.myCustomQuery

On my page show Following:

Oops, an error occurred! Code: 202402180809040864ba5c

I did try to create a separate database but that didn't work either.


  • You said you created a table "gamesrate" but in your TS you reference "gamerate" instead.

    You should enable the debug mode preset in the Install Tool configuration. That will give you a more detailed error message, that will allow us to help you more specifically.

    (You can also check out the exact error in either your sys_log table (that you can inspect via the Log backend module), or in the logfile saved in var/log/ .)