I want to get the buyer from the transaction.
One of the members here, Ron, provided me with the TEXTAFTER & TEXTBEFORE formula.
Previous Transaction:
1) Peter sell 10 apples to May
2) Jon sell 3 pears to Wei Liang
3) Tom sell to William 4 oranges
4) Ellen sell 1 banana to Andy
1) May
2) Wei Liang
3) William
4) Andy
Formula to get Buyer:
=LET(ta,TEXTAFTER(A2,"to "),TEXTBEFORE(ta,{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},1,,,ta))
The formula works, but now I have a new type of Transaction:
1) Peter sell 10 apples to May
2) Jon sell 3 pears to Wei Liang
Note: No plastic bags
3) Tom sell to William 4 oranges
Note: Delivery within 1 day
4) Ellen sell 1 banana to Andy
Some transactions have an additional line. So for 2) and 3), using the formula will give me extra lines for Buyer.
How should I exclude newline? I tried adding vbNewLine in the formula but got an error.
If you are using MS365
then this can be accomplished as well using Excel Formulas
• Formula used in cell B2
=LET(α, TEXTAFTER(A2:A5,"to "), TEXTBEFORE(α,HSTACK(CHAR(10),SEQUENCE(,10)-1),,,,α))
Even this would work, if there is Note:
after each Buyer
=LET(α, TEXTAFTER(A2:A5,"to "), TEXTBEFORE(α,HSTACK("Note:",SEQUENCE(,10)-1),,,,α))
Edit 3/25/2024:
As per OP's comments --
Hi Sir, I found an issue. If let's say the Seller name contains "to", like 5) Entoneal sell 4 melons to Jackson, then the buyer will become "neal sell" instead of Jackson. How do I check that "to" is not part of Seller name pls?
Formula remains same, without any single changes done to it. Screenshot updated to show its still working on my end.