In MSVC, the shortcut Ctrl+Up places the cursor on the top line of the text-editor pane. Likewise, Ctrl+Down places the cursor at the bottom of the pane.
For the purpose of creating a C# VSIX extension, what is the code to get those top and bottom line numbers?
My purpose for this is that I want to create a shortcut that jumps to the vertical center of the pane. My code is currently at a point like so:
private void JumpVCenter()
// Clear our current selection when we jump.
CaretPosition caretPos = View.Caret.Position;
ITextBuffer buffer = View.TextBuffer;
ITextSnapshot snapshot = buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
SnapshotPoint start = caretPos.BufferPosition;
// Code here to get the top/bottom line number of the pane.
// ...
I didn't find documentation about this. After trying to get it working for a while, I came to a solution that I find satisfactory. This solution seems to generate correct line numbers, even when changing the size of the editor's text at runtime.
private void JumpVCenter()
var lineTop = View.TextViewLines.GetTextViewLineContainingYCoordinate(View.ViewportTop);
var topNum = lineTop.Start.GetContainingLineNumber() + 1;
var lineBot = View.TextViewLines.GetTextViewLineContainingYCoordinate(View.ViewportBottom);
var botNum = lineBot.Start.GetContainingLineNumber();