I am currently writing a PHP function which should help me to extract an upgrade notice from a given readme text.
This is my source text:
Some stuff before this notice like a changelog with versioning and explanation text.
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 1.3.0 =
When using Master Pro, 1.3.0 is the new minimal required version!
= 1.1.0 =
When using Master Pro, 1.1.0 is the new minimal required version!
= 1.0.0 =
No upgrade - just install :)
[See changelog for all versions](https://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/master-pro/trunk/CHANGELOG.md).
This is the function:
* Parse update notice from readme file
* @param string $content
* @param string $new_version
* @return void
private function parse_update_notice( string $content, string $new_version ) {
$regexp = '~==\s*Upgrade Notice\s*==\s*(.*?=+\s*' . preg_quote( $new_version ) . '\s*=+\s*(.*?)(?=^=+\s*\d+\.\d+\.\d+\s*=+|$))~ms';
if ( preg_match( $regexp, $content, $matches ) ) {
$version = trim( $matches[1] );
$notices = (array) preg_split( '~[\r\n]+~', trim( $matches[2] ) );
error_log( $version );
error_log( print_r( $notices, true ) );
I am currently stuck at my RegEx. I'm not really getting it to work. This was my initial idea:
== Upgrade Notice ==
= x.x.x =
as match 1 e.g. 1.1.0
To get the first part after "Upgrade Notice", matching only the first following block with non empty lines, you can omit the s
flag to have the dot match a newline and capture matching all following lines that contain at least a single non whitespace character.
^==\h*Upgrade Notice\h*==\R\s*^=\h*(1\.3\.0)\h*=\R\s*^((?:\h*\S.*(?:\R\h*\S.*)*)+)
The line in PHP:
$regexp = '~^==\h*Upgrade Notice\h*==\R\s*^=\h*(' . preg_quote( $new_version ) . ')\h*=\R\s*^((?:\h*\S.*(?:\R\h*\S.*)*)+)~m';
If you want to be able to determine which occurrence after matching "Upgrade Notice", you can use a quantifier to skip the amount of occurrences that start with the version pattern:
^==\h*Upgrade Notice\h*==(?:(?:\R(?!=\h*\d+\.\d+\.\d+\h*=$).*)*\R=\h*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\h*=$\s*){2}(^\h*\S.*(?:\R\h*\S.*)+)
Start of string==\h*Upgrade Notice\h*==
The starting pattern, where \h*
match optional horizontal whitespace characters(?:
Non capture group
Match all lines that do not start with a version pattern\R=\h*
Match a newline and =
followed by horizontal whitespace characters(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)
Capture group 1, match the version\h*=$\s*
Match horizontal whitespace characters, =
and assert the end of the string and match optional whitespace characters){2}
Use a quantifier (in this case {2}
) to match n times a version pattern^
Start of string(
Capture group 2
Match 1 or more lines that contain at least a single non whitespace character)
Close the group