Searching how to modify just a few words in the «new account» WooCommerce email to customer. I'm building WooCommerce shop in French, but it will be multilanguage.
I have to make this change in the theme for this new account mail and also for the «my account» page.
I Need to change the phrase in the new account mail to customer like this:
…vos commandes, créer ou changer votre…
where "créer ou" is inserted.
And in the «my account» page:
…ainsi que créer ou changer votre…
where "créer ou" is inserted.
Please take a look at the screenshots:
WooCommerce email notification - new account to customer:
WooCommerce wording in my account page:
i have tried to edit the specific woocommerce template in the theme code, but if change this words in english because the template is in english, its generating a email in english. So making changes there keeping the translation options is over my basic knowledge.
You can use the following, to insert a string into some translated strings:
add_filter( 'gettext', 'customize_woocommerce_translated_strings', 10, 3 );
function customize_woocommerce_translated_strings( $translated_text, $original_text, $domain ) {
// Not in cart or checkout pages
$targeted_string1 = 'changer votre mot de passe et les détails de votre compte';
$targeted_string2 = 'changer votre mot de passe, et plus encore ici';
$string_to_insert = 'créer ou ';
if( is_account_page() && strpos( $translated_text, $targeted_string1) !== false ) {
$translated_text = str_replace($targeted_string1, $string_to_insert.$targeted_string1, $translated_text);
if( ! is_admin() && strpos( $translated_text, $targeted_string2) !== false ) {
$translated_text = str_replace($targeted_string2, $string_to_insert.$targeted_string2, $translated_text);
return $translated_text;
Code goes on functions.php file of your child theme (or in a plugin). Tested and works.
On my account dashboard:
On New account email notification:
Note: You can also use Loco Translate plugin to change translated strings.