This is my server setup
General Cache Information
APCu Version 5.1.21
PHP Version 8.1.23
APCu Host *server.url*
Server Software Microsoft-IIS/10.0
Shared Memory 1 Segment(s) with 32.0 MBytes
(IPC shared memory)
Start Time 2023/09/28 23:50:34
Uptime 1 hour and 3 minutes
Runtime Settings
apc.coredump_unmap 0
apc.enable_cli 0
apc.enabled 1
apc.entries_hint 4096
apc.gc_ttl 3600
apc.serializer php
apc.shm_segments 1
apc.shm_size 32M
apc.slam_defense 0 0
apc.ttl 3600
apc.use_request_time 0
Example PHP Code:
datastore class configuration array (snippet) This is returning the correct value, so as far as I can tell, this is not the issue
datastore::$configuration['cache'] = array(
'data interval' => 300, //
I have encapsulated the apcu cache functions into a class, this is a snippet from that class.
class cache {
public static $name;
public static function setCacheArray($name, $data, $ttl){
apcu_store($name, $data, $ttl);
public static function cacheItemExists(){
return apcu_exists(cache::$name);
public static function returnCacheSharedMemoryInfo(){
return apcu_sma_info();
public static function returnCacheInfo(){
return apcu_cache_info();
utility class snippet
class utility{
public static $array;
public static function prettyPrintArray(){
return "<pre>".print_r(utility::$array, true)."</pre>";
apuc config from phpinfo (image attached)
calling the class method from a script
cache::$name = 'test';
# item exists already, so do some work
print cache::$name." already exists<br />";
print cache::$name." does not exists - set data for cache item: 'test'<br />";
cache::setCacheArray('test', 'this is a test', 3600);
utility::$array = cache::returnCacheInfo();
print utility::prettyPrintArray();
utility::$array = cache::returnCacheSharedMemoryInfo();
print utility::prettyPrintArray();
output from script
APCu is installed and enabled.
- Configuration Interval: 86400
- Data Interval: 300
- Configuration Timestamp:
- Data Timestamp:
*test does not exists - set data for cache item: 'test'*
[num_slots] => 4099
[ttl] => 3600
[num_hits] => 0
[num_misses] => 2
[num_inserts] => 1
[num_entries] => 1
[expunges] => 0
[start_time] => 1695910174
[mem_size] => 168
[memory_type] => IPC shared
[cache_list] => Array
[0] => Array
[info] => test
[ttl] => 3600
[num_hits] => 0
[mtime] => 1695914146
[creation_time] => 1695914146
[deletion_time] => 0
[access_time] => 1695914146
[ref_count] => 0
[mem_size] => 168
[deleted_list] => Array
[slot_distribution] => Array
[122] => 1
[num_seg] => 1
[seg_size] => 33554344
[avail_mem] => 33521208
[block_lists] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[size] => 33521176
[offset] => 33192
What I am expecting is the cache value to remain for the duration of the TTL which is set in the call to:
Whilst this initially appears to work, it takes 2 refreshes of the page to see the msg:
test already exists
[num_slots] => 4099
[ttl] => 3600
[num_hits] => 0
[num_misses] => 4
[num_inserts] => 1
[num_entries] => 1
[expunges] => 0
[start_time] => 1695910837
[mem_size] => 168
[memory_type] => IPC shared
[cache_list] => Array
[0] => Array
[info] => test
[ttl] => 3600
[num_hits] => 0
[mtime] => 1695914537
[creation_time] => 1695914537
[deletion_time] => 0
[access_time] => 1695914537
[ref_count] => 0
[mem_size] => 168
It also takes 2 refreshes of apc.php on the User Cache Entries
page to see the data appear.
When I rerun the script I get the following:
test already exists
[num_slots] => 4099
[ttl] => 3600
[num_hits] => 0
[num_misses] => 4
[num_inserts] => 1
[num_entries] => 1
[expunges] => 0
[start_time] => 1695910837
[mem_size] => 168
[memory_type] => IPC shared
[cache_list] => Array
[0] => Array
[info] => test
[ttl] => 3600
[num_hits] => 0
[mtime] => 1695914537
[creation_time] => 1695914537
[deletion_time] => 0
[access_time] => 1695914537
[ref_count] => 0
[mem_size] => 168
On a third refresh of the apc.php User Cache Entries
page (within the configured ttl time frame), the data in cache simply dissapears. The same thing occurs on the third reload of the script.
It seems the cache is suddenly cleared!
I read somewhere that I needed to ensure that the c:\windows\temp directory required permissions from the IIS_IUSRS account, which IIS runs under. I set the appropriate permissions, however nothing changes with regards to the result I am getting.
I tried a very simple version of the apcu script to see if I could replicate the behaviour
print "test already exists<br />";
apcu_store("test2", "this is a test", 3600);
print "<pre>".print_r(apcu_cache_info(), true)."</pre>";
print "<pre>".print_r(apcu_sma_info(), true)."</pre>";
Ended up with exactly the same result.
Hopefully I am doing something incorrectly and this behaviour can be resolved with a change to the configuration or script.
Does anyone have any thoughts, experience or ideas why this might be happening?
What I was actually after, is not possible with APCu, at least on Windows.
I ended up building my own lightweight c# caching system which can be accessed by any PHP process either via a json file or from RAM via a web request.
Edit: To put some context around this, I was trying to cache the results of multiple MySQL queries so I didn't need to keep hitting the DB.