
Assertj: Using the index when asserting list elements via predicate

I want to assert items based on their index in the list under test.

While doing some research I came across this solution, which works:

    // This works:
    assertThat(tasks).extracting(Task::getId, Task::getExamId).containsExactly(
            tuple(1, EXAM_ID),
            tuple(2, EXAM_ID),
            tuple(3, EXAM_ID),
            tuple(4, EXAM_ID),
            tuple(5, EXAM_ID)

However I am looking for something more dynamic, FOR EXAMPLE (doesn't compile)

    // I would rather use something like
    BiFunction<Integer, Task, Boolean> indexedPredicate = (n, task) -> Objects.equals(task.getId(), n);

I had a good look at all available methods but couldn't find anything. Any ideas?strong text


  • As we wanted to assert the relation between index and the element, how about converting the list to index-element map first?

    Then we could call allSatisfy to assert the relationship.

    import static;
    import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
    import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
    import java.util.List;
    public class AssertIndexedElementOfListTest {
        record Task(int id, String examId) {
        public void assertTest() {
            List<Task> tasks = List.of(
                    new Task(0, "EXAM_0"),
                    new Task(1, "EXAM_1"),
                    new Task(2, "EXAM_2"),
                    new Task(3, "EXAM_3")
            var indexTaskMap = IntStream.range(0, tasks.size())
                    .collect(toMap(i -> i, tasks::get));
               (index, task) -> assertThat(

    Reference: How to convert List to Map with indexes using stream - Java 8?