is it possible to write in Java AssertJ multi-conditions assertion which will pass if at least one of conditions met? (similar to OR operator)
I want something like this:
a -> Assertions.assertThat(listItem).matches(someRegex),
// OR
b -> Assertions.assertThat(listItem).equals(someString)
Assertion which will receive List of strings and will check each element of list against Regex and equals another string, all elements of list should satisfy at least one of conditions, and in that case - assertion should pass.
Any help greatly appreciated!
Tried a lot of options but none of them works perfectly.
here we are. you can fit contains
and matchesRegex
methods in variables, as you like !
package org.example.test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
public class MultipleConditionsTest {
public void test() {
// Given
String someString = "", regex = "";
// When
ArrayList<String> actual = new ArrayList<>();
// Then
private static Predicate<? super String> matchesRegex(String regex) {
return string ->Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(string).matches();
private static Predicate<String> contains(String someString) {
return string -> string.equalsIgnoreCase(someString);
that you can combine as you wish, like this
public void containsOrMatchesRegexTest() {
// Given
// When
List<String> fruits = Arrays.asList("banana", "apple", "orange");
// Then
.as("At least one element should contain 'raspberry' or match the regex 'a.+?'")
.as("At least one element should contain 'banana' or match the regex 'p.+?'")
.as("No element should contain 'blueberry' or match the regex '.+?c.+?'")