I am conducting principal component analysis (PCA) on my data. This is the last part of the script where I am building the PCA biplot:
biplot <- fviz_pca_biplot(pca_result,
# Individuals
geom.ind = "point",
fill.ind = Data$Type, col.ind = "black",
pointshape = 21, pointsize = 2,
palette = c("#04BF8A","#D7D7D9"),
addEllipses = TRUE,
# Variables
col.var = "black",
legend.title = "Type",
repel = TRUE,
xlim = c(-5,14),
ylim = c(-3,8),
) +
xlab("PC1 (74.5%)") + ylab("PC2 (16.6%)")
biplot + theme_bw()
This is the output: PCA plot
I don't understand why the border color of the ellipses is different than the one assigned in the pallete.
Now, I would like to either change the border color of the ellipses (as assigned in the pallete), or directly remove the borders and leave only the fill-in of the ellipses.
Could you please tell me how to do it?
Thank you very much for your help!
I tried to apply ellipse.border.remove = TRUE immediately after the addEllipse = TRUE string, but I got an error:
Error in ggpubr::ggscatter(data = df, x = "x", y = "y", color = color, : formal argument "ellipse.border.remove" matched by multiple actual arguments
I suspect this is a limitation of the fviz_pca_biplot() function, but a potential workaround would be to specify the colors 'manually', e.g.
#> Loading required package: ggplot2
#> Welcome! Want to learn more? See two factoextra-related books
res.pca <- prcomp(iris[, -5], scale = TRUE)
# palette works for fill but not for ellipses color
# Individuals
geom.ind = "point",
fill.ind = iris$Species,
col.ind = "black",
pointshape = 21, pointsize = 2,
palette = c("#04BF8A","#D7D7D9", "red"),
addEllipses = TRUE,
# Variables
col.var = "black",
legend.title = "Type",
repel = TRUE,
xlim = c(-5,14),
ylim = c(-3,8),
) +
xlab("PC1 (74.5%)") +
ylab("PC2 (16.6%)") +
#> Coordinate system already present. Adding new coordinate system, which will
#> replace the existing one.
# fix ellipses color
# Individuals
geom.ind = "point",
fill.ind = iris$Species,
col.ind = "black",
pointshape = 21, pointsize = 2,
palette = c("#04BF8A","#D7D7D9", "red"),
addEllipses = TRUE,
# Variables
col.var = "black",
legend.title = "Type",
repel = TRUE,
xlim = c(-5,14),
ylim = c(-3,8),
) +
xlab("PC1 (74.5%)") +
ylab("PC2 (16.6%)") +
theme_bw() +
scale_color_manual(values = c("setosa" = "#04BF8A",
"versicolor" = "#D7D7D9",
"virginica" = "red"))
#> Coordinate system already present. Adding new coordinate system, which will
#> replace the existing one.
Created on 2024-02-21 with reprex v2.1.0
Does that work with your 'real' data?