
No module named 'whois' Despite Already Installing 'python-whois'


I am making a project using Python and have a virtual environment installed called venv. Here is the information for the virtual environment:

Version and Modules Installed:

enter image description here

I am on a linux machine that has a package installed called whois via apt.

I am using VSC and its built-in terminal.

Here is the code that I run using the terminal with the virtual environment activated.

enter image description here

The Problem

The following error occurs when the code tries to import the module.

└─$ python ./WHOIS/ 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/narwhal/Documents/Projects/PassCon/./WHOIS/", line 1, in <module>
    import whois
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'whois'

What Have I Tried

I have tried to not use the virtual environment and run it normally and it does work but from what I understand it is using the whois package installed via apt (I found out that it doesn't work as I am using whois() instead of query() which is used by the APT-installed whois).

I also have uninstalled and re-installed python-whois multiple times.


I do not wish to uninstall the apt version of whois as I need it for my day to day. I doubt that its the problem, but I hope its not the only solution to fix my problem.

I also want to use python-whois so it is easily installed for users.


  • Thanks to Gabe and Rasjani for showing me how to check the directory in which my virtual environment was checking for installed modules, I have figured out the solution.

    First, I used python -m site to check the directory listing and searched each one and noticed that PIP was not installed in any of them and none of them had the modules I "installed".

    The simplest fix was to uninstall my current virtual environment and follow this step-by-step on how to properly initiate a virtual environment, check if its successful, and install the modules.

    Lesson learned: Don't blindly jump in and properly set up your environment.