
pimcore: make uuid available in datahub - graphql

How to make uuid available in datahub - graphql?

Via the datahub interface i cannot see a proper way to add the linked uuid, is this possible?

The graphql api would be used for a third-party api, uuid's seems the best way to identy entities


  • (1) I was using SKU instead

    ... on object_product {

    Does Pimcore provide possibility to export Hotspots and Markers additional data in DataHub GraphQL? It looks easier to me.

    (2) But you have the ability to create a custom GraphQL mutation https://pimcore.com/docs/platform/Datahub/GraphQL/Mutation/Add_Custom_Mutations/

    (3) Also you can create calculated field having UUID as value https://pimcore.com/docs/platform/Pimcore/Objects/Object_Classes/Data_Types/Calculated_Value_Type/ https://github.com/orgs/pimcore/discussions/7723

    (4) you can use a combination: calculated field checks the value of string field and set it to Tool\UUID::create($document) if empty. This will allow you to overwrite values.