
Read XML feed with PHP

I have a problem with I trying to read and parse this feed: Some XML Feed

for some reason the function SimpleXMLElement returns empty nodes. I am using file_get_contents to read the URL and then SimpleXMLElement.

Here an example:

// URL feed XML
$url = 'some xml feed';

$xml_content = file_get_contents($url);

if ($xml_content === false) {
    echo "No XML content.";

// Parser the XML
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml_content);

foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) {
    $title = (string) $item->title;
    $id = (string) $item->{'cnn-article:id'};
    $description = (string) $item->description;

    // Hacer lo que necesites con los datos
    echo "Title: $title<br>";
    echo "ID: $id<br>";
    echo "Description: $description<br>";


  • SimpleXML doesn't handle XML namespaces (i.e., tags with colons) ideally, so you can't do this unfortunately:

    $id = (string) $item->{'cnn-article:id'};

    You should be able to grab the field by using the children() selector and passing a truthy value as the second parameter:

    $id = (string) $item->children('cnn-article', true)->id;

    Or perhaps, if you're going to use a bunch of the fields within that tag:

    $cnn = $item->children('cnn-article', true);
    $id = (string) $cnn->id;
    $url = (string) $cnn->url;
    $slug = (string) $cnn->slug;
    $createdDate = (string) $cnn->{'created-date'};