In this piece of Ruby code that processes an UploadedFile
using exifr
f = uploaded_file.tempfile
p "1 #{f.closed?} #{f.instance_variable_get(:'@unlinked')}"
p "2 #{f.closed?} #{f.instance_variable_get(:'@unlinked')}"
sleep 0.01
p "3 #{f.closed?} #{f.instance_variable_get(:'@unlinked')}"
p "4 #{f.size}"
N.B. GC.start/sleep is there to make the problem replicate reliably.
when uncommenting #1
, all is fine:
"1 false false"
"2 false false"
"3 false false"
"4 3822528"
However, the outcome of uncommenting #2
, instead of #1
, yields this:
"1 false false"
"2 false false"
"3 true false"
[c4b7ce6b-5492-43db-8c64-726cafaccce0] [Thread: 24800] Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory @ rb_file_s_size - /var/folders/vx/v0rn818s0257_3l491_v48bm0000gn/T/RackMultipart20240221-71765-acbi7v.JPG):
Now all that exifr is doing is this:
def initialize(file, load_thumbnails: true)
examine(file.dup, load_thumbnails: load_thumbnails)
class Reader < SimpleDelegator
def readbyte; readchar; end unless File.method_defined?(:readbyte)
def readint; (readbyte << 8) + readbyte; end
def readframe; read(readint - 2); end
def readsof; [readint, readbyte, readint, readint, readbyte]; end
def next
c = readbyte while c != 0xFF
c = readbyte while c == 0xFF
def examine(io, load_thumbnails: true)
io =
and a bit of reading from io
, so I don't understand what would cause the file to get closed.
This happens in a Rails app running on puma.
#2 would be preferable, as it does not require the file to be loaded into memory completely (in my case, we are talking up to 50 MB).
Thanks to @Casper, I understood I got duped by f.dup - wouldn't have thought that part of the standard Ruby library would behave this way - deleting a Tempfile when a (dup'ed) reference is still around.
The way I chose to fix this is different from Casper's solutions, though, because I already have an open Tempfile, and I want to use it, instead of concurrently re-opening the file. (Who knows what implications that would have, on different OSes?)
So this is how I fixed it:
And this is the helper class I wrote for it:
require 'delegate'
class SelfDuper < SimpleDelegator
def dup