
TimeScale DB time aggregates that overlap days

Help with terminology would be appreciated to help me rephrase the question I am trying to ask in my post.

The Problem: I am using TimeScale DB and am trying to create a time aggregate with a 4 hour time bucket interval. I want the 4 hour intervals to calculate outside of the scope of the same day. So the first timestamp for the day would be an from 10PM the previous day to 2AM the new day. The default behavior is to create the intervals starting at midnight of the same day. Is there a way I can change this?

Output to further explain This is the source table of 5 minute data.

 GBPUSD | 2024-02-04 22:15:00+00 |  1.26291 |  1.26291 |   1.2626 |  1.26275
 GBPUSD | 2024-02-04 22:10:00+00 |  1.26345 |  1.26355 |  1.26278 |  1.26297
 GBPUSD | 2024-02-04 22:05:00+00 |  1.26355 |  1.26376 |  1.26344 |  1.26344
 GBPUSD | 2024-02-02 21:55:00+00 |  1.26339 |  1.26348 |  1.26302 |  1.26302

Note, that the first timestamp for Feb 4 is 10:05PM

This is the 4 hour interval time aggregate:

 GBPUSD | 2024-02-05 04:00:00+00 |  1.26096 |  1.26238 |  1.26034 |  1.26167
 GBPUSD | 2024-02-04 20:00:00+00 |  1.26355 |   1.2639 |  1.26113 |  1.26168
 GBPUSD | 2024-02-02 20:00:00+00 |  1.26387 |   1.2643 |  1.26302 |  1.26302

Instead of the 8PM and 4AM I want them to fall on 2AM then 6AM and so on for Feb. 5.

The Code: This is how I am creating the aggregate.

WITH (timescaledb.continuous) AS
SELECT symbol,
       time_bucket(INTERVAL '4 hour', timestamp) AS _4h,
       first(open, timestamp) as open,
       max(high) as high,
       min(low) as low,
       last(close, timestamp) as close
FROM forex5m
GROUP BY symbol, _4h;

SELECT add_continuous_aggregate_policy('forex4hour',
  start_offset => INTERVAL '2 year',
  end_offset => INTERVAL '1hour' ,
  schedule_interval => INTERVAL '1 hour');


  • I had to look at this for a long time but I got it to work.... There does not seem to be any documentation to reflect this BUT to get the origin to work in the create statement:

    time_bucket(INTERVAL '4 hour', timestamp, 'UTC', '2020-01-03 02:00:00')