I need to make numbers cumulative total in a shape of triangle.
Vertical Month-Year is EffectiveDate Horizontal Month-Year is LossDate
Should be like this:
Using SSRS Expression I am able to get cumulative :
=RunningValue(Fields!PolicyCount.Value, SUM, "TablixName")
But it gives me this:
How should I write my logic to eliminate number 11 in cell Feb-17
eliminate Apr-18 and so on? Basically to make it triangle?
Data sample:
You need to change the scope of the RunningValue() expression
from this
=RunningValue(Fields!PolicyCount.Value, SUM, "TablixName")
to use the name of your RowGroup, not the name of the tablix.
In my test I called the Row Group EffRowGroup as you can see here..
So the Final expression looked like this..
=RunningValue(Fields!PolicyCount.Value, SUM, "EffRowGroup")
We do this so that the running value is only evaluated within the context of the row group.
Here are the results.