
Xilinx Vivado schematic for if else statements

I am learning SystemVerilog. While coding, the synthesis schematic for the following if statements don't make sense to me.

module ifelseDUT(
input logic sela, selb, selc, da,db,dc,
output logic dout
    always @*
        dout = 0;
      priority  if(sela)
            dout = da;
            dout = db;
            dout = dc;


Here is the synthesized schematic:

priority if schematic

How to understand the schematic when sela is not used? I am also not able to make sense of S=default value on the muxes.

Here is the message generated by Vivado. There are no errors or warnings during the synthesis.

[Synth 8-293] found qualifier priority on case statement: implementing as full_case ["C:/Users/homealien/Xilinx/ifelse-test/ifelse-test.srcs/sources_1/new/ifelseDUT.sv":32]


  • Because your priority if statement does not contain an else clause, synthesis is treating it as:

       dout = da;
       dout = 'x; // don't care

    and that is being optimized as just

    dout = da;

    This is because the priority is an assumption/assertion that a conditional branch will always be taken. Without an else clause, synthesis is generating logic assuming the condition is always true. This should have been caught as a synthesis error, but it is a legal description.

    What you probably intended is:

          priority if(sela)
                dout = da;
          else if(selb)
                dout = db;
          else if(selc)
                dout = dc;
                dout = 0;

    Now you have written the code is such a way that a conditional branch statement will always be taken under all possible conditions.