
No debug:scheduler in symfony console

I tried to use the scheduler library. My Symfony version is 6.3.*.

I want to declare the following scheduler: Something seems to go wrong, and my scheduler is not declared. Also, the debug:scheduler does not seem to exist.


namespace App\Scheduler;

use App\Message\MiseAJourEtatMessage;
use Symfony\Component\Scheduler\Attribute\AsSchedule;
use Symfony\Component\Scheduler\RecurringMessage;
use Symfony\Component\Scheduler\Schedule;
use Symfony\Component\Scheduler\ScheduleProviderInterface;

#[AsSchedule(name: 'default')]
class MainSchedule implements ScheduleProviderInterface {
    public function getSchedule(): Schedule {

        $schedule = new Schedule();

        return $schedule->add(RecurringMessage::every('4s', new MiseAJourEtatMessage()));

Something seems to go wrong, as the command: php bin/console messenger:consume scheduler_default

as the following result: The receiver "scheduler_start" does not exist.

I made sure the following commands were run without errors:

composer require symfony/scheduler symfony/messenger

My composer.json is correctly updated with: "symfony/scheduler": "6.4.*".

The folder vendor/symfony/scheduler is created, and I can find the declaration of the debug:scheduler method in Command/DebugCommand.php

#[AsCommand(name: 'debug:scheduler', description: 'List schedules and their recurring messages')] final class DebugCommand extends Command {

I tried to run: symfony console debug:scheduler

The following message is printed in the console: Command "debug:scheduler" is not defined.


  • Ok so i solved it. It was in fact errors in the packages i listed in my composer.json. I created another project and imported the scheduler package, then compared the two composer.json. I was able to see the packages at fault.

    Also, the '4s' in my calling of the method "every()" isn't correct and will generate an error when using 'symfony console debug:scheduler'.

    I simply replaced it by the correct format : '4 seconds'.