
Is it possible to prevent Localstack from downloading the Gremlin server every time?

Each time I start localstack with testcontainers, when I create the Neptune server instance localstack is downloading and installing a Gremlin server to emulate Neptune. This slows down very much my integration tests. Can I avoid this? I can't find any info on this in the official documentation.


  • This is a bit tricky. In general it's possible to configure Testcontainers and define a mount for /var/lib/localstack (which is what you would do when running LocalStack in standalone, see also

    Testcontainers provide the function withFileSystemBind for that purpose.

    Your code would look something like this:

     public LocalStackContainer localstack = new LocalStackContainer(localstackImage)
            .withExposedPorts(4510, 4511, 4512, 4513, 4514) // TODO the port can have any value between 4510-4559, but LS starts from 4510
            .withEnv("LOCALSTACK_API_KEY", api_key) // TODO add your API key here
            .withFileSystemBind("tmp-testcontainer", "/var/lib/localstack", BindMode.READ_WRITE);
     public void testNeptune() {
            NeptuneClient neptune = NeptuneClient
                            AwsBasicCredentials.create(localstack.getAccessKey(), localstack.getSecretKey())
   response  = neptune.createDBCluster("neptune").databaseName("hello").dbClusterIdentifier("testa").build());
   request ="testa").build();
   describedb = neptune.describeDBClusters(request);
            // wait for db to be ready
            while(! describedb.dbClusters().get(0).status().equalsIgnoreCase("available")) {
                describedb = neptune.describeDBClusters(request);
            assert describedb.dbClusters().get(0).status().equalsIgnoreCase("available");

    Using this bind-mount you will see a subfolder lib where the gremlin/tinkerpop server will be loaded. On re-run it will not be downloaded anymore because it's already there.


    So you would need to manually cleanup the tmp folder in the mounted directory (in my sample it's a subdirectory of tmp-testcontainer).

    Hope that helps!