I have a block of code that's inside a function. It returns a list of lists (i.e. the object dfTemp
would be a list of lists). When I use the function, I can see that the first value of all the internal lists is NA
dfTemp <- parLapply(cl, 1:X,
function(j) {
library(matrixStats) #matrixStats needs to be loaded within each worker node
result <- colMeans2(
function(i) rowMeans2(
sample(sample(bdf[, 1], i), B * i, replace = TRUE), B, i),
na.rm = TRUE),
na.rm = TRUE)
Here's the structure of dfTemp
- notice the NA value for the first row in all lists:
Browse[1]> str(dfTemp)
List of 100
$ : num [1:15] NA 0.598 0.948 0.179 0.284 ...
$ : num [1:15] NA 0.355 0.834 0.312 0.243 ...
$ : num [1:15] NA 0.425 0.521 0.361 0.296 ...
$ : num [1:15] NA 0.8166 0.0939 0.155 0.351 ...
$ : num [1:15] NA 0 0.197 0.413 0.219 ...
Another issue I'm having, which I think may be related, is that when I try to convert my list of lists to a data frame, it names the columns by concatenating all the values.
data.frame': 15 obs. of 2 variables:
$ c.NA..0.598119527934818..0.947653884049345..0.178908501367397..: num NA 0.598 0.948 0.179 0.284 ...
$ c.NA..0.354694348429857..0.833605540582925..0.312442033011144..: num NA 0.355 0.834 0.312 0.243 ...
How do I fix these two (presumed to be related) problems?
#### LIBRARIES ####
bootstrap_function <- function(column, N1, N2, B, X, param) {
bdf <- as.data.frame(column)
colnames(bdf) <- names(column)
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores() - 1) # Enable parallel processing with n-1 cores
clusterExport(cl, c("bdf", "N1", "N2", "B", "X", "param"), envir = environment()) # Export the objects for parallel processing
dfTemp <- switch(
"mean" = {
parLapply(cl, 1:X,
function(j) {
library(matrixStats) #matrixStats needs to be loaded within each worker node
result <- colMeans2(
function(i) rowMeans2(
sample(sample(bdf[, 1], i), B * i, replace = TRUE), B, i),
na.rm = TRUE),
na.rm = TRUE)
"sd" = {
parLapply(cl, 1:X,
function(j) {
library(matrixStats) #matrixStats needs to be loaded within each worker node
result <- colSds(
function(i) rowSds(
sample(sample(bdf[, 1], i), B * i, replace = TRUE), B, i),
na.rm = TRUE),
na.rm = TRUE)
browser() #use for debugging...
# Convert to dataframe and then name columns
dfTemp <- as.data.frame(dfTemp)
#colnames(dfTemp) <- paste0("est", 1:X)
# Add identifiers
dfTemp <- cbind("Group" = rep(names(column), nrow(dfTemp)), dfTemp) # Add column with group identifier
dfTemp <- cbind("n" = row.names(dfTemp), dfTemp) # Add columnw with sample size identifer
#### PREP THE DATA ####
df <- data.frame(
"1.A"= c(10.7,9.7,10.7,11.9,10,10.5,9,10.9,9.6,11.8,8.7,11.9,10.7,10.4,12.7),
"1.B"= c(11.7,10.2,10.9,11.4,10.3,9.8,9.7,10.2,10.6,8.6,9.1,9.8,13.3,9.8,8.3),
"2.A"= c(11.6,10.6,9.9,10,11.3,10.4,11.2,8.3,9.2,11.2,11.3,11.2,11,8,9.2),
"2.B"= c(10.7,11.5,10.1,8.9,11.5,9.5,12.1,10.7,8.2,10.2,9.6,10.4,8.3,11.1,9.4)
# Replace any zero values with NA
df[df == 0] <- NA
# define lower and upper bounds for sample sizes to estimate
N1 <- 1
N2 <- nrow(df)
# set number of bootstrap replicates
B <- 100
# set number of times to repeat the estimate
X <- 100
# define which parameter to estimate - functions for "mean" and "sd" are supported
param <- "sd"
# Apply the bootstrap function to each column of the data frame
dfBoot <- as.data.frame(
rbind, lapply(seq_along(df), function(x) {
browser() # used to enter break mode inside lapply function call for debugging
colname <- names(df)[x]
print(paste("Processing column:", colname))
bootstrap_function(column = df[x], N1 = N1, N2 = N2, B = B, X = X, param = param)
Well I solved my own problem. I converted the code to use apply and then added browser statements inside each internal function so I could see what was going on.
Long story short, the issue was with trying to calculate a standard deviation off s sample size of 1. Sample lower bound needs to be at least 2. Stupid mistake on my end. Simple fix:
# define lower and upper bounds for sample sizes to estimate
N1 <- 2 # needs to be at least 2
N2 <- nrow(df)