
Adding document with missing sequence date in mongodb aggregation

Here see this Collection here have a record with createdAt with 14Feb and one with 16Feb, Now querying an aggregation on the collection such as I want to add an document of 15Feb as it was missing in collection with viewCount and clickCount as 0.

So looking for some way to add missing date record/document in aggreagation pipeline.

Pipeline I have

              $group: {
                _id: {
                  $dateToString: { format: "%Y-%m-%d", date: "$createdAt" },
                viewCount: { $sum: "$viewCount" },
                clickCount: { $sum: "$clickCount" },
            { $sort: { _id: 1 } },
              $group: {
                _id: null,
                data: {
                  $push: {
                    k: "$_id",
                    v: { viewCount: "$viewCount", clickCount: "$clickCount" },
              $project: {
                _id: 0,
                data: { $arrayToObject: "$data" },

I looking for some operator in mongo or some way to do this


  • By combination of both javascript and aggregation pipeline, you can achieve the desired result.

    // let's say datesArray has all the dates which are required. 
    const datesArray = getDates(formattedFromDate, formattedToDate);
    // aggregation pipeLine
        const pipeLine = [
        $group: {
          _id: null,
          data: {
            $push: {
              date: '$date',
              viewCount: '$viewCount',
              clickCount: '$clickCount',
        $project: {
          _id: 0,
          data: {
            $map: {
              input: datesArray,
              in: {
                k: '$$this',
                v: {
                  $cond: [
                      $in: ['$$this', '$'],
                      viewCount: {
                        $arrayElemAt: [
                            $indexOfArray: ['$', '$$this'],
                      clickCount: {
                        $arrayElemAt: [
                            $indexOfArray: ['$', '$$this'],
                      viewCount: 0,
                      clickCount: 0,