I`m using package flutter_map to add map in my app (I do step by step in this video). My code like this:
mapController: mapController,
options: MapOptions(
initialCenter: const LatLng(51.5, -0.09),
initialZoom: 5,
children: [
tileProvider: AssetTileProvider(),
But when i run, it show error in console:
Unable to load asset: "https://tile.openstreetmap.org/5/15/10.png"
Unable to load asset: "https://tile.openstreetmap.org/5/20/10.png"
And then i do step by step again in other video: https://youtu.be/hZwrcOTxDJI?si=2XiBv7_iKbZtFaDR
It still show error: Unable to load asset: ...
I don't know why it's causing this issue even though I followed the instructions correctly. Can someone help me, please? Thank you so much.
You are using tileProvider as an AssetProvider.
You should be using NetworkTileProvider.