
Lightroom plugin does not show sectionsForBottomOfDialog on Windows

I have a lightroom plugin that works perfect on MacOSX, but on Windows the sectionsForBottomOfDialog does not show if there is something after the —— Camera —-.

I see that other plugin have sectionsForBottom with files and buttons, but I can’t find the problem. No errors Been looking in code of other plugins, but my setup seems correct


function pluginInfoProvider.sectionsForBottomOfDialog(f, propertyTable )
return {
        title = "Configuration",
        bind_to_object = propertyTable,

        f:view {
            fill_horizontal = 1,
            spacing = f:control_spacing(),
            font            = "<system>",
            ConfigDialogs.DefaultDirectories(f, propertyTable),
            ConfigDialogs.CameraFilm(f, propertyTable),

The code

function ConfigDialogs.CameraFilm(f, propertyTable)
    f:group_box {
        title   = 'Adding Camera and Film',
        fill_horizontal = 1,    
        --------- Camera --------
        f:row { 
            f:static_text {
                title           = "Camera Name:",
                alignment       = "left",
                width_in_chars  = "11",  
            f:edit_field {
                alignment       = "left", 
                width_in_chars  = 20, 
                immediate = true, 
                value           = bind "CameraName",        

Everything from f:row seems to fail

My sectionsForTopOfDialog are working (if the other is disabled)

function pluginInfoProvider.sectionsForTopOfDialog( f, propertyTable )
return {
        title = "Analoge Fotografie",
        f:view {
            fill_horizontal = 1,
            spacing = f:control_spacing(),
            font            = "<system>",
            ConfigDialogs.Information(f, propertyTable)

The code

function ConfigDialogs.Information(f, propertyTable)
    f:row {
        spacing = f:control_spacing(),
        f:static_text {
            title = "bla bla bla",


  • Here is the issue:

    width_in_chars  = "11",

    This must be a numeric value, not a string! Or even better:

    width = LrView.share 'labelWidth',