I have a sample code as below. I would like to find the currency rate for each currency to multiply by its amount.
Curreny Amount
usd 100
eur 75
cny 50
eur 25
jpy 25
Expected answer
100*1 + 75*0.9 + 50*0.5 + 25*0.9 + 25*0.7
What i am trying to do is not working is:
_RateMeasure1 =
VAR CurrencyAmounts = SUMMARIZE('myDF',myDF[Currency], 'myDF'[Amount])
VAR USD_Rate = MAXX(FILTER('_SlicerTable', _SlicerTable[Currency] = "USD"), '_SlicerTable'[RateCol1])
VAR EUR_Rate = MAXX(FILTER('_SlicerTable', _SlicerTable[Currency] = "EUR"), '_SlicerTable'[RateCol1])
VAR CNY_Rate = MAXX(FILTER('_SlicerTable', _SlicerTable[Currency] = "CNY"), '_SlicerTable'[RateCol1])
VAR JPY_Rate = MAXX(FILTER('_SlicerTable', _SlicerTable[Currency] = "JPY"), '_SlicerTable'[RateCol1])
"USD", 'myDF'[Amount] * USD_Rate,
"EUR", 'myDF'[Amount] * EUR_Rate,
"CNY", 'myDF'[Amount] * CNY_Rate,
"JPY", 'myDF'[Amount] * JPY_Rate
_SlicerTable is a table as below
Currency RateCol1
CNY 0.5
EUR 0.9
JPY 0.7
This can be done by the following:
Create a dimension table for your currency conversions
Create a relationship with your fact table like so connecting Currency - Currency
Lastly you can create a measure to calculate your conversion
_RateMeasure = SUMX(myDF,myDF[Amount]*RELATED('Currency Conversion'[RateCol1])) --sumx is an iterator function and goes row by row. Related references the related column RateCol1