The following function with argument of type type
accepts both
regular types and union types and works as expected.
However Pylance treats passing union type as error.
def foo(t: type):
# OK
foo(int | str)
# Pylance:
# Argument of type "type[int] | type[str]"
# cannot be assigned to parameter "t" of type "type"
# in function "foo"
What is the correct type hint for any type including union types?
Seems to be Pyright issue #7110 fixed in recent version.
Here's the type definition of isinstance()
from typeshed
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
_ClassInfo: TypeAlias = type | types.UnionType | tuple[_ClassInfo, ...]
_ClassInfo: TypeAlias = type | tuple[_ClassInfo, ...]
def isinstance(__obj: object, __class_or_tuple: _ClassInfo) -> bool: ...
is what you need.
On the other hand, if you can modify the function in question, maybe you should apply composition and let it accept a predicate instead:
def foo(predicate: Callable[[Any], bool]) -> None: